Episode 1: Take Your Passion and Make it Happen - Irene Cara


1796: The first smallpox inoculation was given in Berkley, Glouchester...which is ironic as Berkeley California was probably the first place to refuse it.

1998: Seinfeld the show, not the man, played it’s last episode, leaving us on our own to decide if our partner is sponge-worthy.

Grab your leg warmers, masking tape your feet, and let's dance!


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Caution: Hold on to your pee-proof panties, you're going to laugh until you cry!



After Mother's Day you may be thinking, where did I come from? There must be some massive genetic mix up. Before you panic and order your DNA kit, listen to episode 9 of this podcast from one of our favs!



We know you have PRIME in your prime, so treat yourself to a Good Girls Revolt binge this week. (Think Mrs. Maisel takes a job in the newsroom.) First two episodes are a little draggy and then bang!  EXCITEMENT!  

(Yeah, some dudes at Amazon cancelled it, but don't worry we'll have another binge worthy recommendation soon.)

(P.s. Requests or recommendations?  We'd love to hear from you, send us a note at gatherers@gathererent.com)